EQUINE SUPPORT "There’s something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man."  Winston Churchill.

Many animals are well known for being therapeutic and how they are empathetic and are regularly used in animal therapy. Scientists have found levels of oxytocin (the hormone which promotes social interaction and increases bonding and empathy) increase when interacting with animals. The use of animals within therapy can be traced back to ancient Greek times. In the 1950s horses were used alongside physiotherapy for people with physical disabilities. Since then, equine therapy has developed to include psychological therapy. 

Horses are becoming well known in equine therapy as they provide more scope for behavioural change and they have the ability to read human emotion. Horses are sensitive and emotionally connected animals and they have the ability to sense our emotions and respond in a comforting and supportive way. Horses reveal their thoughts and feelings with their body language and behaviour. Horses have the ability to make humans feel good about themselves. Horses don’t criticise, they are non-judgemental, sensitive, honest and responsive. 

Some of the key areas that are addressed within our equine support are establishing trust, communication and social skills, sensory benefits, response to verbal cues, developing a bond with the horse, respecting boundaries, recognising and understanding emotions, improves confidence and self-esteem, problem solving, teamwork and it is also great exercise and lots of fun. With equine support young people and adults can learn to focus on something outside themselves

Equine support sessions are approximately an hour and whilst they are here at the riding school they groom and ride the horses, muck out, feed and do all the daily jobs that are involved in looking after the horses, they do this working as a team with the staff and volunteers and also independently on their own. All of the daily activities are on a time scale and at certain times of day so teaching them time management.

Whilst riding and doing all the daily jobs they can talk about their day, family and friends, school, interests, things they like and don't like, they can talk to the staff and volunteers confidentially and in doing this they are improving their communication skills and engaging with adults and other children of all ages. 

Equine Support Sessions are priced at £44 per hour.

Equine Support Testimonials can be found here.

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